Fundy Designer Tips

v7 Hotfix Update

May 13, 2016
v Hot Fix

This week we released an update to our v7 Fundy Designer software to fix some critical bugs. Thank you to everyone for your feedback and helping us get these resolved ASAP. To install this hot fix, simply launch your Fundy Designer v7 application and you’ll receive a prompt to update. If for some reason you don’t see this, go to Help Menu > Check for Updates.

The following fixes are included in our update:
• Ability to delete images using the Image Menu dropdown
• Keywords set in Lightroom/Photoshop, etc. carry over into Fundy Designer
• Image well in Blog Collage greys out images in use
• Deleted images refresh when spreads are deleted, and images reflect as unused
• Windows installation issue corrected
• Windows slowness when adjusting images in image box corrected
• Applying group tags and image count now updates to reflect tagged photos
• Delete spreads in spread count updates to reflect that spreads have been deleted
• Re-sync images reflects in images when re-synced

 We hope this helps improve your user experience. For any new questions, suggestions, or concerns, please contact our support team.

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