
Choosing albums for your studio

January 27, 2011

As a business, photographers and studios should choose albums as sales and marketing vehicles. Often times photographers will choose an album or an album company based solely on the look and style of an album, or based solely on the price. [break]

[break]Albums are part of, what the business community calls, your product mix. A product mix, is simply the products that your business has to offer. The reason it is called the product “mix” is that these products need to fit within your business plan. This means that the products need to fit within your price range, within the look and the brand of the business and within your sales plan. My point here is simply this. Don’t flock to what everyone else is doing just because that is what everyone is doing. Choose your products based on the need of your business.

I’d like to feature some press books by ProDPI here. The books featured here are from their “fusion” series. ProDPI was one of the first labs to offer fine art cloth covers for their books and they are really taking things to the next level with their fusion books. Check out the photos.[break]

[break]As a business, what is important here is that these books look nothing like the press books that your clients can get at Costco. If your clients can order the same photo wrapped books that Costco sells, why would they want to pay you big money for the same thing? In this modern age of photography, this is a very important business point. Only stock and sell products that hold value for your clients. The day of making a living selling 8×10″ prints is over. It’s all about selling products with added value, that the client cannot replicate themselves.[break]

[break]I hope this helps you make some sound business decisions that help grow your business. Of course your mileage may vary, but check out these cool books by ProDPI, right here.

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