Fundy Designer Tips

Fundy Designer IPS Guide

July 29, 2019

In-person sales can be intimidating, which is why Fundy Designer offers a guide to help you navigate the process of presenting your designs to your clients and, ultimately, achieve bigger profits. When you download our IPS Guide, you will discover tips to get you started, as well as tools within the software to optimize your IPS sessions.

Choosing What to Sell

Our IPS Guide helps you decide which products you should present to your clients during your session, offering must-haves, extras to have handy, as well as specific things to stay away from.

Design Tips

Whether you’re designing an album, wall art, or cards for your clients, our IPS Guide includes important design tips for everything from pre-design to backups, which will help you achieve higher album sales. 


Understanding the steps to take during a walkthrough with your client is essential to a successful in-person sales session. The IPS Guide lays these steps out for selling everything from albums to gift prints within Fundy Designer. 


Once your client is satisfied with their order, you’ll do a final close to verify what they have chosen and inform them of everything they will receive. In the IPS Guide, you’ll learn how to make this part of the process successful, as well as what to do next.

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