
Lightroom tip. Difference between Vibrancy, Clarity, Saturation

November 18, 2010

Clarity & Vibrance

Clarity and Vibrance are one of the more confusing sections of Lightroom, hopefully I can make it “clearer” and help you be a bit more productive.

Vibrance is easy. This is a technology that Adobe purchase from a competing RAW processing company. Vibrance automatically detects which colors are already saturated and leaves them alone, only saturating the colors it needs to. Additionally, it tries hard to leave skin tones alone, no matter what ethnicity. With the introduction of Vibrancy. I never use saturation anymore.

Clarity is a bit trickier. Clarity is often described as increasing local contrast. Where the contrast slider increases the contrast of your entire photo, clarity only increases contrast locally around pixels. If you need more tech info, please see this article. But the results are photos that have more definition and appear sharper. I usually have the contrast setting at about 25% and the clarity at about 28% on all my photos.

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