
Creating a Killer Web Presence from Design Aglow

May 31, 2011

Ever wonder what more you could be doing to enhance your business online? We’ve all seen those gorgeous web sites that make us say “Wow” out loud. But you’re a photographer with amazing images already in your bag. But how do you make your web presence go from a “7” or “8” to a “10”? How do you razzle dazzle your audience? [break]

Well, the people at Design Aglow with web marketing expert Zach Prez have created an amazing e-seminar titled the “Photographer’s Guide to a Killer Web Presence.” [break]

















The highlights include: [break]

1. More than 120 pages of tips [break]

2. More than 100 screenshots of the industry’s most successful examples [break]

3. 20,000 words of tech-free recommendations [break]

4. Cheat sheet strategy list for improving your web presence [break]














Find out the answers to the following questions: [break]

How do I get more website contact requests?
How do I get more followers on Facebook and Twitter?
How do I get people to subscribe and read my email newsletter?
How do I create a premier brand throughout my websites?
What should I include on my homepage, site navigation, or blog sidebar? [break]

There are great suggestions for how to enhance your web site such as visual tips for your blog, interactive flash vs. static sites and how to work Google to your advantage. You don’t have to completely redesign your web site, just focus on the small details and the results will add up. Brand yourself across your own site as well as Facebook, Twitter, your blog and newsletter. Reaching new customers is the goal and first impressions are important for capturing those potential clients. This guide from Design Aglow will help you get those new clients to want to pick up the phone and contact you. [break]

Design Aglow’s ebook is $70. Check it out on the Design Aglow site.


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