
A Letter from Andrew “Fundy” Funderburg

December 22, 2016

To our incredible customers,

2016 was a year of success – both for Fundy customers and for our company – that outpaced even my wildest dreams. In the beginning of the year, we focused on maximizing the speed of album design in Fundy Designer. With the new auto design, the enhanced Quick Design Picker®, and the ability to storyboard your album, it’s incredible how you can create quality designs in minutes.


In the fall, we released an update that is already changing the industry. With this update, we provided professional photographers the easiest platform to present to clients – whether in-person or remotely – and build orders on the spot. The extra revenue photographers are generating by selling more wall art and upselling albums is incredible. I’d like to share some of their success with you because it’s what drives us every day to continually innovate to bring you software to speed up your workflow and grow your business.


Hours Upon Hours Saved

Since I founded Fundy Software in 2008, one of our core focuses has been to save professional photographers time, while also still providing a tool for quality designs that can stand the test of time. The faster (and easier) we can complete designs for our clients, the more profitable we become, and the more time we have getting back to spending with our families, friends and the things we love. Here are some recent stories from real customers:

“With Fundy I can easily design a full album in 5-7 minutes.” ~ Jen Rozenbaum

“I designed 38 albums in 10 days.” ~Cricket Pickens

“I designed an album in 7 minutes and my client approved it as is, no changes.” ~ Hiram Trillo

Financial Success

For every minute we save creating our designs, we make more money. But what about the actual bottom line? I’ve been traveling the country, and the world recently, both speaking about the power of print and listening to the world’s experts on getting printing product into our businesses and our client’s homes. And when we focus on this, the amount that our clients reward us is amazing. Here are just a few stories from the last three months:

Christine Yodsukar contacted some previous wedding clients asking if they had printed any photos for their home. For one 2014 client when the answer was no, Christine pre-designed some rooms for her and walked her through them via Skype resulting in a $6,600 sale.

Bobbie Rose attended my IPS workshop at Visual Nation this year and was brand new to selling product to clients. She recently told me she had a $3,000 sale her very first attempt at presenting to her clients in person.

Ben Hartley recently shot a wedding and designed a huge album telling the complete wedding story. The bride and groom were so thrilled they rewarded him for the main and parent albums in a $10,000 sale.

Robert J Hill has worldwide clientele and conducted three albums design consultations via Skype, for a combined for $10,000 extra added to his bottom line.


What This Means

The fact that we are helping photographers be successful, not only with their workflow, but also with providing for their loved ones means everything to our team. Every day when we wake up and see a new success story come in, the entire team is energized to keep working to make the best product and experience possible.

We have another surprise update coming in the first quarter of 2017 with some new free features that will help speed up your workflow even more. We want to add as much value as possible to your business, and your life.

Here’s to another great year. If you haven’t joined the more than 90,000 people who’ve downloaded Fundy Designer, maybe now is the time. And I hope 2017 is the year where you do more than you could have ever imagined.

All the best,

Andrew “Fundy” Funderburg
Founder of Fundy Software

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