Fundy Designer Tips

Fundy Designer v10 – Crushes the Competition

June 01, 2020

Fundy Designer v10 – Ground Breaking Features

In 2020 we launched Fundy Designer v10 to RAVE reviews. Understanding the 6 new unprecedented features and the addition of over $2K more in Design Library assets, will make you more profitable and allow you to be more creative. 

New Drop Zones 3.0®

We’ve updated our patent, and now you are in complete control with Drop Zones. Custom resize any photo in a Drop Zone by simply grabbing and sliding.

Additionally, you can drag and drop photos into a layout, mixing and matching photos in columns and rows and the other images will automatically adjust to accommodate. Build any custom design you want in seconds!

Ben Hartley’s personal walkthrough of Drop Zones 3.0.


Custom Image Order

New custom image ordering allows you to drag photos in any order in the image well or the image browser. Once you’ve put your images in the order that you love, use them to auto design albums, slideshows and more in seconds.

Geeta Randery’s personal walkthrough of Custom Image Order.


New Custom Slideshows

Now you can build custom slideshows with images and designs in any order and match the slideshow length to your music, creating the perfect emotional story that clients can’t resist.

New Flexible Slideshows will help you make more money. Add images and designs in blocks. Add a few images at the front of the show, then show an album design and then show more images – you decide, you’re in complete control. 

With one a click of a button, match the slideshow to the length of the song and have everything end at the same time. 

Will Cadena’s personal walkthrough of Custom Slideshows.


New Theater Mode

Want everything to just fall away so you and your clients can focus just on the images or designs? You can now enter Theater Mode by just hitting the tab key or through the view menu. 

This large, glorious view will help you design better and sell more. 

Makayla Jade’s personal walkthrough of Theater Mode.


Apply Partial Designs

Have you ever had half of an album spread or magazine spread designed and just wanted to design the second half? Well now you can do that and more. 

In the Quick Design Picker® you can now apply just the left page, just the right page or, even, just the remaining area without losing any of your design. 

Caroline Tran’s personal walkthrough of new powerful Quick Design Picker.


Exposure Correction – Leave Photoshop behind

We’re happy to announce new advanced exposure fix in Fundy Designer. We’ve tapped into Perfectly Clear’s patented technology and now you can intelligently fix overexposed and underexposed photos in Fundy Designer with ease. 

We’ve also updated the Perfectly Clear editing tab to give you even more control. Now you can use specific sliders to dial in adjustments to both the under eyes corrections and eye brightening.

Jamie Schneider’s personal walkthrough of Exposure Correction.


$2K in New Design Library Items for a total over $15K

We’ve added a ton of new value to the design library:

  • 25 new sets of Wall Previews
  • 11 new Album Designs
  • 8 new songs to evoke emotion
  • 7 new Magazine Designs

Award-Winning New Design Proofer

In 2022, we announced the world’s first online design proofer with the ability to proof Album Designs, Wall Art Designs, Card Designs, as well as the ability to share an online slideshow with the same designs and individual images included for full emotional impact. This is a serious upgrade to our existing online proofer that is already the one most used by professional wedding and portrait photographers. Click here to learn more.

Scott Johnson’s New Proofer Overview


Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v10!


Do it all in Fundy Designer!

New to Fundy Designer? Get started with our free trial! Ready to try the latest version of Fundy Designer? Click here to purchase or upgrade to Fundy Designer v11!

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