
WCA Bel Air Book Spread

We are happy to share the announcement of the new Bel Air Fine Art Book from West Coast Albums. The Bel Air Book has thin, lay flat, seamless spreads of Fine Art Paper (UV Sprayed) utilizing HDR archival links rich in color and tone. Each Bel Air Book has a unique photo wrap cover (created…

illuminating the face

Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography. —George Eastman If I asked you what crazy haired madman yells “shebang!” when he nails a shot, chances are you’d instantly know who I was talking…


I have been using Micro Four-Thirds mirrorless cameras for about three years now. I currently own several Panasonic Lumix bodies and quite a few lenses. My latest acquisition is the new Lumix GH4 camera. This camera is creating a lot of buzz in the industry, receiving rave reviews. One on RedShark News begged the question…

Jordan and Nyki  Jamie Bosworth Photographer

In this week’s tip, seasoned photographer, Jamie Bosworth, reviews “The New Art of Capturing Love: The Essential Guide to Lesbian and Gay Wedding Photography” by Kathryn Hamm and Thea Dodds. This is the first guide for gay and lesbian couples, and has been touted as a great resource for a growing market. Read about Jamie’s thoughts on the…


Digital film effects are what I like to call the “Pursuit of Imperfection.” What is this fascination with film? Seems that everyone is pushing out vintage film presets, filters and apps. Aside from the nostalgia of creating an image that looks like it was taken by your grandparents, most of these tools leave you wanting more….

Screen Shot    at

Sometimes half the battle of running a photography business is finding the right clients. Recently, we caught up with the people at SnapKnot and want to share what’s new with them and how they can help you do just that. SnapKnot is an online directory matching couples with photographers. Last Fall, it underwent a website…

Fuji XT Review

We are excited to have professional wedding, portrait and commercial photographer, Andrew Van Beek, review the new Fuji X-T1 camera. Based in Ottawa, Canada, Andrew has been shooting professionally for the last 12 years with roughly 400 weddings and thousands of shoots under his belt. For the last three years he has been researching the…

blog to win business

[vc_row] [vc_column] [vc_column_text]You know you need to do it. They tell you it’s good for business. It’ll improve your SEO and help build community around your business. What am I talking about? Blogging. The toughest part about wedding photography that no one warned you about, is writing the 300+ words for the blog. Wait, you mean I…


[vc_row] [vc_column] [vc_column_text] This video series from Photoshop Café doesn’t set out to teach you how to use Lightroom (although seasoned LR users will pick up a few tips). This is about using Lightroom from the perspective of a working wedding photographer in the trenches of the real world. How many times have wished you…

©Zophia & Co • Nikon review

Zofia Crosby is a professional wedding and portrait photographer in Nantucket, Mass. Check out ZOFIA&CO for all the great work the studio does.       A little background :   I’m a wedding and portrait photographer in my 18th year of business. I’ve used Nikon bodies exclusively for most of my career. Heavy equipment,…

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